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Katie Harrington
Voice over coaching 


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What Katie can do for you?

Unlock Your Signature Voice with Voice Over Coaching

Discover the power of your "money voice" with specialized voice over coaching. At the heart of Katie’s approach is the belief that everyone has a natural, authentic voice that, when harnessed, can captivate and persuade audiences—especially in the competitive world of commercial voice overs. Once we have explored your signature voice, we will play with numerous other archetypes.​

Why Start with Commercial Voice Overs?

The commercial field is not just about selling; it's about connecting with listeners on a personal level. It's here that your "money voice" shines brightest, blending believability with relatability. Katie’s coaching begins in this dynamic arena to help you master the art of engagement from the get-go. Together, we break down sample scripts and find the words that tell us what kind of emotion/feeling this commercial is looking to invoke in its audience.


Beyond Just Technique: Crafting Your Vocal Persona

Katie’s coaching goes deeper than technique. We guide you in exploring various vocal archetypes each representing different facets of your voice's potential. This journey isn't just about finding your voice; it's about expanding your expressive range to embody different characters and emotions, making every performance memorable.


Empowerment Through Self-Discovery

Katie’s method is a voyage of self-discovery, where you uncover not just your most authentic and profitable voice, but also learn to adapt and thrive in various voice over genres. Whether you're stepping into the booth for the first time or looking to refine your skills, her  coaching is designed to unlock your full vocal potential.


Versatility Meets Specialization

While your "money voice" is your starting point, Katie’s coaching encourages continuous growth and versatility. The voice over landscape is ever-changing, and adaptability is key. She can prepare you for a wide array of opportunities, from commercials to audiobooks, animation, and beyond, ensuring you're not just a voice, but the voice that everyone wants to hear.


Find Your Voice

Embark on a journey to not only discover your signature voice but also learn how to make it your most valuable asset in the voice over industry. With Katie’s coaching, you'll find the confidence to step up to any mic and deliver performances that resonate and inspire. Your voice has power—let's unlock it together.

Book a free 10 minute consult with Katie to see if coaching is a good fit for you!

Want to know more? book in for a 10 min free consultations with Katie

No pressure, No commitment 


You can find more insights into the voice over world on Katie's blog

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